It is normal to express ourselves in what we wear, A Wiccan can express her spiritual self through her jewelry - the intention with which you wear the ornaments largely determines their effect. Everything that goes into making the Wiccan jewelry brings its own energy into it. The metals, the gem stones, the symbols, even the colours. They all have meaning, and certain powers. There are energy centers on the body, and wearing jewelry there can activate them. Purification and dedication of your Wiccan jewelry should be done as soon as you can. Certainly before wearing or using the item.
Purification & Dedication
Moon Bath The simplest way to purify Wiccan tools is to bathe them in Moonlight. This will not only cleanse them, but recharge them as well.
Except for the very lightest cleansing, you'll probably need to leave them at least one full cycle of the Moon. Full to Full, or Dark to Dark ... whichever feels right to you. For lighter Moon-washes, use the Waning Moonlight.
If your altar is in the Moonlight, this is the best place to leave your ritual tools for a Moon bath. Otherwise, hanging them in a tree is good. (If it's sparkly and you have lots of crows, ravens, or magpies around though, they might make off with it when you're not looking!)
Herb Baths You can bury your Wiccan tools in herbs for cleansing. Particularly effective are rose petals, sage, and mint. This is a lovely way to clean sacred objects, but it can take a while.
Sea Salt A faster method is a sea salt bath. You can bury your Wiccan tools in dry sea salt, or a salt-water bath. Washing it in the Ocean, or even running wild water like a river, is even better. If it feels like it needs a very deep cleansing, you can leave it in the salt water for a period of time - even in the Moonlight, for a double whammy.
Earth Cleansing You can bury certain items in Earth for purification - like stones and crystals. This will do a very deep cleansing. Simply bury them, pointing downward, into Earth outdoors, between the roots of a tree is ideal. If you can't manage that, bury them with a potted plant. The real trick to this method of purification is remembering exactly where you buried your ritual tools! Be sure to leave a marker that is unlikely to be removed.
Smudging Even more rapid is smudging, particularly using cedar or sage. Pass the ritual tools through the smoke a few times. This is enough for most purposes. But you can do as much as you need. This is a great method for healing tools, especially stones.
Bathing In Light Similar to smudging, you can pass ritual tools through (or above) the flame of your Goddess candle. The Light will purify and remove any negative energies. It needs to be done carefully, to avoid burning yourself and scorching your tools.
Cleansing Breath After coming to a place of calm and peace, you can blow into your ritual tools, with the intention of being a conduit for Divine Energy. Blow the negativity away, and blow positivity in - imagining this as white or golden light replacing any shadows in the object.
Running Water Holding your ritual tools under cold running water can cleanse them, but this is usually unadvisable except for stones. In which case, if they are pointed, make sure the points face downward with the flow of water, so the negative energy flows out and away. You can do this with tap water as a last resort, but living water is much better.
Moon Bath The simplest way to purify Wiccan tools is to bathe them in Moonlight. This will not only cleanse them, but recharge them as well.
Except for the very lightest cleansing, you'll probably need to leave them at least one full cycle of the Moon. Full to Full, or Dark to Dark ... whichever feels right to you. For lighter Moon-washes, use the Waning Moonlight.
If your altar is in the Moonlight, this is the best place to leave your ritual tools for a Moon bath. Otherwise, hanging them in a tree is good. (If it's sparkly and you have lots of crows, ravens, or magpies around though, they might make off with it when you're not looking!)
Herb Baths You can bury your Wiccan tools in herbs for cleansing. Particularly effective are rose petals, sage, and mint. This is a lovely way to clean sacred objects, but it can take a while.
Sea Salt A faster method is a sea salt bath. You can bury your Wiccan tools in dry sea salt, or a salt-water bath. Washing it in the Ocean, or even running wild water like a river, is even better. If it feels like it needs a very deep cleansing, you can leave it in the salt water for a period of time - even in the Moonlight, for a double whammy.
Earth Cleansing You can bury certain items in Earth for purification - like stones and crystals. This will do a very deep cleansing. Simply bury them, pointing downward, into Earth outdoors, between the roots of a tree is ideal. If you can't manage that, bury them with a potted plant. The real trick to this method of purification is remembering exactly where you buried your ritual tools! Be sure to leave a marker that is unlikely to be removed.
Smudging Even more rapid is smudging, particularly using cedar or sage. Pass the ritual tools through the smoke a few times. This is enough for most purposes. But you can do as much as you need. This is a great method for healing tools, especially stones.
Bathing In Light Similar to smudging, you can pass ritual tools through (or above) the flame of your Goddess candle. The Light will purify and remove any negative energies. It needs to be done carefully, to avoid burning yourself and scorching your tools.
Cleansing Breath After coming to a place of calm and peace, you can blow into your ritual tools, with the intention of being a conduit for Divine Energy. Blow the negativity away, and blow positivity in - imagining this as white or golden light replacing any shadows in the object.
Running Water Holding your ritual tools under cold running water can cleanse them, but this is usually unadvisable except for stones. In which case, if they are pointed, make sure the points face downward with the flow of water, so the negative energy flows out and away. You can do this with tap water as a last resort, but living water is much better.