SPELLCRAFT is the art or ability to cast or work spells, also known as "work". "To Work" is also known as performing "magick", which is spelled with a "K" on the end to differentiate this kind of magick from prestidigitation, or sleight of hand performed by stage magicians. Spellcraft uses the vibrations of natural things around you plus your own vibrations to accomplish a desired goal. Colors, herbs, incense, etc, all have vibrations that affect the universe. Before resorting to magic, however, you must do everything you can on the practical level first! Magic never excludes you from your own participation.
Before resorting to magic, however, you must do everything you can on the practical level first! Magick never excludes you from your own participation. At some time in the future, you may need to do a spell again. It is critical that you know exactly what happened, and when. If a spell was ineffective, you certainly wouldn't want to waste your time doing it that way again, would you? A magickal diary (book of shadows) will also document and show your grouth, both spiritually and as a magickal worker.
Before resorting to magic, however, you must do everything you can on the practical level first! Magick never excludes you from your own participation. At some time in the future, you may need to do a spell again. It is critical that you know exactly what happened, and when. If a spell was ineffective, you certainly wouldn't want to waste your time doing it that way again, would you? A magickal diary (book of shadows) will also document and show your grouth, both spiritually and as a magickal worker.